Working With Other Organisations and Local Groups
You don't have to organise your local OWW events all by yourself! Over the years we have been liaising with various international development agencies and global justice NGOs at the national level (see below) about the theme with a view to linking with their campaigns and sharing resources.
Visitors to OWW's website at any time of the year are able to find information about actions with which they may wish to get involved. here)
Many local OWW groups have been working with local environmental groups when the annual theme has focused on issues involved with cllimate change or taking better care of nature.
OWW was a member of The Climate Coalition, the Trade Justice Movement, and UNITED for Intercultural Action. They all have a broad membership and some will have branches near you. Choose your allies in relation to the theme you select. Some of their members will share your concerns and would be worth involving in your plans.